"La formation est bien organisée, le service très soigné, (...) Le dossier remis à l’arrivée est très complet et professionnel. Il permet de suivre le déroulé de la formation et de garder une trace claire en rentrant pour réviser."
Directrice de La Boutique
Céline Decourt
Je voulais une formation qualitative sur le conseil clientèle dans le prêt-à-porter, et l’agence Cristina Cordula a su répondre parfaitement à mes attentes. Les méthodes et les points abordés sont pertinents. Ces acquis valoriseront mon travail.
Fondatrice AH Com Anissa Hamlati
Anissa Hamlati


Enough of listening to fashion dictates: the aim is to know what works for you without any preconceived ideas. As in haute couture where a dress is “tailor-made”, with attention paid to the finest details, all my advice is tailored to each client. It’s what I call the “Conseil en style”.

Thanks to my approach and my experience you’ll put across the image that best suits you. Whilst respecting your natural look, you’ll be wonderfully transformed.

This is why an initial meeting is needed before the style consultation. We’ll need to get to know your personality, identify your full potential and guide you towards your own look.
 Together, we’re going to bring out the best in you!

To make this happen, I have personally trained our excellent stylists and my beauty partners are the best in the capital. It’s real team work as we share the same vision of style consulting and we can unveil the real you. And this commitment, offered by my agency, is a gift for life.